The Partnership is dedicated to mobilizing private sector resources and expertise to advance New York City’s standing as a global center of economic opportunity, upward mobility, and innovation.


The Partnership for New York City mobilizes private sector resources and expertise to advance New York City’s standing as a global center of economic opportunity, upward mobility, and innovation. It is a nonprofit organization whose members are preeminent business leaders and companies that support nearly 1 million jobs in New York City and deliver approximately $236 billion in economic output.

The Partnership serves as an honest broker among business, government, labor, and the civic sector and as a resource of expertise and critical thinking for public policy makers, the media and others.

COVID-19 Recovery

Throughout the pandemic, the Partnership has been the primary source of communication and cooperation between business and government officials managing the city and state’s response to COVID-19. It has played a key role in advising government on policies and regulations for closing and reopening the economy as well as providing resources to support equipment, testing, and vaccination administration needs. The Partnership and the coalitions it forged during the pandemic have developed new programs to inform and accelerate recovery, including:

We ❤ NYC

The Homeless Assistance Fund

Transit Tech Lab: COVID-19 Recovery Challenge

Quarterly economic status reports


of employees want to participate in the city’s recovery


private sector jobs in July 2023


new businesses created in 2022; 1 in 7 of all the city's businesses started in the past year

Focus Areas

Areas of focus include improving public transportation, creating a world-class life sciences industry cluster, preparing students for the jobs of the future and expanding economic opportunities for all New Yorkers.

How We Work

Our integrated approach includes program activity, research, advocacy, networking, and smart investments. We engage business experts to work with government, academics, and civic leaders to help solve challenges within each focus area. We represent the business perspective in policy discussion, on advisory boards and commissions, in the news media and the public forum.

The Partnership’s programs are designed to fuel economic growth and to expand opportunities for all New Yorkers to share in the benefits of growth. The Partnership network has helped develop innovative solutions to some of New York City’s most pressing economic and social challenges.

We engage in advocacy at the city, state and federal level to advance public policies that affect the economic fabric of New York City, such as job creation and infrastructure investment.

Our research and reports serve as a resource for public policy makers, the media and the public. The Partnership conducts economic impact studies, business surveys, and convenes working groups to provide the public sector with the pro bono expertise needed to make smart decisions that encourage inclusive growth of the city economy.

We actively forge public-private partnerships with government, academia, labor, and the nonprofit sectors to advance balanced public policies and legislation that will keep New York strong.